There has been some confusion caused inadvertently by talk of changes in the Krav Maga Worlwide curricula. Adding to this was my update of the online Level 1 curriculum before we announced the Level 1 test, and then being too lazy to revert it. Here’s what you need to know…
The following techniques are new to the Level 1 curriculum but they will not be tested next week. We will be adding them to Fundamentals classes after this test.
- Inside and Outside Chop
- Headlock from Behind (Bar Arm or Carotid)
The following techniques are not new to the Level 1 curriculum but they will not be tested. But you should know them.
- Eye Strike
- Arm Pulls
- Wrist Releases
There are changes and additions to almost all levels, and I will be updating our online versions soon.
Please post any questions below or on the test sign-up post.
Photo credit: CollegeDegrees360, on Flickr
Good luck to all who are testing.