We address in class the threat of multiple attackers from time to time, but we stress the awareness of multiple attackers all the time. Indeed, along with developing your “fighting spirit”, developing awareness of your environment, from exits to extra foes, is essential to your training.
From all the chaos in the world today, I’ve selected one viral video that shows exactly how to deal with multiple attackers. Watch how the victim, outsized and outnumbered, refuses to be a victim.
Oh yeah, go ahead and laugh. But when two hoodlums stop you to ask for a light, and one of them orders you to get into a windowless moving van, you would do well to remember Spike, or Pierre, or whatever the French Bulldog’s name is. That’s right: French Bulldog. Deal with it.
PS: Some YouTube commenters have noted that these were cubs, that things might have gone differently if the mama bear had been around. Fair enough, but you fight only the fight you have. Whatever your instincts tell you, obey them infallibly.
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