This is not Krav Maga, but there are very strong parallels, particularly with the elbow down, forearm in the neck clinch position we all love so dearly. As a reflexive defense and within the context of a “grabby” attacker, Tony Blauer’s Outside 90 is perfectly compatible with our training. Keep in mind, however, that Krav Maga takes a different tactic to defend against round punches. Because our punch defenses translate directly to defenses against edged weapons, we ideally don’t want the attacker’s arm glancing off in an uncontrolled manner. We want a strict 90° at the elbow because we don’t want the attacker’s hand being redirected down into the body. This also puts us in a better position to control and disarm the weapon. (Not being versed in the S.P.E.A.R. System, I don’t offer this as a critique, just a note of the differences evident in the short video.)
- Again, this is not Krav Maga.
- Tony’s language can be a bit salty.
“Outside 90” with Tony Blauer – video [wmv] [mov]
Muy interesante. That’s spanish for “very interesting” in case anyone was wondering,