We’ve noticed that attendance has dwindled in the Saturday morning classes. Where are our peeps?
The sun is up earlier these days, it’s starting to warm up, and Speedo season is right around the corner. What better way to start your weekend than with a heavy-duty workout that makes you want to puke and smile at the same time? (Not really at the same time, because then it would come out between your teeth and spew everywhere.)
We generally try to keep Saturday mornings heavier on the conditioning and strength. We’d like to keep adding ‘functional’ equipment to warm-ups and drills, like the agility ladder, ropes, and kettlebells. Any suggestions? We would like your feedback on things to add, subtract, or edit (we do reserve the right to ignore it, though!).
So, post to the comments—what would get you to class at 8:30 on a Saturday morning?
I’ll go ahead and preemptively shoot down the most common suggestion:
The class time cannot be made later. Kids classes start at 10am, and there are often private lessons at 9:30. Sorry!
Move the class to 10am. For the vast majority of us Saturdays are the only days to “sleep in” between work/kids. 10-11am class would go a long way in increasing attendance while still freeing up the majority of the day to enjoy w/family
Please see 1st comment.
I’d rather fight than do conditioning, but that’s because I’m a strength & conditioning coach, so I do that already.
In any event, I’ll be back.