Happy New Year! This week’s scenario will be…
Defending against Blunt Objects
In keeping with the Krav Maga principle “One defense must work against a variety of attacks,” we’ll look at how Stick Defense against Overhead Swing can be applied to almost any object—like a trash can!—being swung at your head.
Saturday, 1/5, 8:30AM
See also Krav Maga: Techniques vs. Concepts.
Post requests for future scenarios to the comments below!
photo credit: 4photos
Hey Patrick,
Last week’s class was great, thanks!
Do you have any quick endurance exercises that relate to Krav endurance? I want to do maybe 15 minutes on my off Krav days at home to eek up my endurance. I have a standing punching/kick bag at home, stationary bike and room for burps (b/c I have a feeling those would be part of your suggestion 馃檪 ). Any thoughts for some quick thing I can get into a routine doing at home?
Thanks, Steff! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
As far as endurance goes, I recommend one of three routes depending on how much time and prep you want to devote. These aren’t the ONLY choices, but the ones I have personally used and am confident to suggest:
By taking the initial test, you’ll know where your deficiencies are, then you can structure a program to “train what you suck at”.
I hope that helps!
This is great, Patrick, thank you! I’m mostly anticipating not being able to get to Krav as much when the baby comes, and want to keep myself in Krav shape mostly. All these things are great and I’ll try out some at home. I always get a little confused as to whether it’s more advantageous for me to do these short workouts working bursts and punches and quickness or to go run for an hour. If these short burst workouts are better to keep up the type of endurance we typically need in Krav, I’ll lean towards those. My real goal is to maintain my strength and endurance and overall health as well as be in good enough shape should I ever need to use the Krav while figuring things out with the baby.
Super helpful! You rock.