This week’s scenario will be…
Self-Defense and Fighting with One Hand
Danelle is such a dedicated Krav Maga instructor that she stuck her finger in an immersion blender to make the training more realistic.
Saturday, 3/30, 8:30AM
Post requests for future scenarios to the comments below!
I just watched the Chinese miniseries about Bruce Lee (“The Legend of Bruce Lee,” on disk from Netflix) where a one-armed guy fought him to a draw a couple of times in a private challenge.
*Please note: This move has terrible reviews on Netflix, most of them complaining about the terrible script, terrible acting, and the way it was completely fictionalized. I watched it in Chinese and it didn’t *that* bad.
Also, I accidentally the verb.
HA! The clips I just watched were pretty unintentionally hilarious. I might have to check it out!