Thanks to all who attended last Saturday’s launch of the Krav Maga Scenarios class! We hope it was both fun and informative.
Continuing with defenses from a seated position, this week’s scenario will be…
Post requests for future scenarios to the comments below!
This isn’t exactly a specific scenario, but I’m wondering if there is a way to train the need for offensive action. Like training scenarios that get us to feel uncomfortable enough to know when it’s right to take action. Things like someone’s physical proximity to you, language and disguised intention. Think there’s a way to do that?
“Like training scenarios that get us to feel uncomfortable enough to know when it’s right to take action.”
I’m sure Master Ken would have some better ideas!
For all the “simulation” we do, trying to artificially create that type of situation is almost impossible, even if your partner is Robert DeNiro… You’ll always know that you’re supposed to attack because, well, those are the instructions of the drill! The best way to train this type of reaction, then, is a two-pronged approach: 1. Recognition drills, where you’re forced to make quick decisions under stress [e.g. throw a certain kind of combative (or not) based on a visual or verbal cue after a period of physical exertion]; 2. Getting really good at throwing a really fast, really devastating combative from different unprepared position.
This is all completely subjective, too. Your perception, size, gender, etc. all play into if, when, and how you should attack. And you’d better be able to articulate why when the police show up. [Insert legal liability jargon here.]
But yes, we can absolutely address this “scenario”. In the meantime, check these out: