Groin strikes are a bit of a running gag about Krav Maga. It may seem we have a fixation, and, admittedly, there are few things funnier than seeing someone biffed in the crotch.
Juvenile giggling aside, there’s a reason why groin strikes are barred from combat sports: they’re fight enders. Even with protection, a strike to the groin can completely incapacitate the strongest of fighters. Doubt it? Seen this?
Now there’s this:
“Woman Kills Man By Squeezing His…”
And the follow-up:
“Can You Die If Someone Squeezes Your…?”
Take note also of the less humorous “dirty” moves in that video like eye pokes. When life and limb are threatened, we can’t engage in a “fair fight”—if there even is such a thing. We need to hit the attacker’s most vulnerable targets to incapacitate him as quickly as possible to minimize the danger to ourselves and make our escape to contact the police and go home safe.
Remember: No groin, no Krav Maga.
Also remember: Use of Force.
Photo credit: da-photography, on Flickr
Just to look at that video makes me want to buy the titanium cup… oushhhhaaaagghhh!