The new Fight Endurance class begins today, Tuesday Jan 31. This weekly class will be held at 7:30pm in Training Room 2.
All participants must be Krav Maga Advanced students or otherwise approved by the instructor.
The instructor is Tim Burke. Says Tim:
The goal of the class is to increase the strength and endurance of every participant as it relates to “stand up” fighting combinations. We will build on the basic Bas Rutten workout combinations and incorporate Muay Thai pads. Different from our normal Krav Maga training classes where we might spend half the time on conditioning and half the time on technique, this class will be geared more towards dedicated conditioning with longer periods of rest and recovery. The class will have very little instruction and focus more on punching and kicking stronger, faster, and longer.
Classes will be limited to 10 participants due to space and equipment restraints and will be on a first-come, first-served basis via sign-up at the school. (See the dry erase board by the stairs to Training Room 2).
i think that’s awesome, and would like to sign up.
Danelle and I both did the class last night, and it’s great. Be sure to check it out!
so i love the fight endurance class because it was there where i finally figured out how to do a round kick (?) and then i fractured my metatarsal and now i have a giant Frankenstein boot on my left foot and am even more awkward and clumsy than ever i was before BUT i was hoping that this class was still available through the spring/summer (because now i will need as much extra help as possible to get in shape for class once they say i can go unshod again)?
Sorry to hear about your foot, Erin! We’ve been wondering where you’ve been…
So far as I know, the Fight Endurance class will continue as scheduled. Any changes will be posted on the site.
Speedy recovery!